Active Start Program Ages  4 to 7 

  • One Multisport practice per week starting  Sunday June 2nd
  • June workouts are Sundays 5:00-6:00 pm, workout will move to Monday eve for July and August  (ends August 31th)
  • Current location Elmhirst resort ( location may change)
  • Swimming, biking, running, transition practice and games
  • Improve motor skills, endurance and speed in a fun atmosphere.
  • Athletes can use a floatation device during swim time if desired/required, swim training occurs in the lake in shallow water
  • There will be no workouts on July 1st and August 5th (long weekend)

Learn to Train Program Ages 8 to 11 

2 practices per week starting  as follows:

    • Tuesday biking and running workout at Peterborough Speedway 6:00-7:30 pm, starting May 7th
    • Multisport practice Sunday 5:00-6:00 starting June 2nd at Elmhirst, Sunday workout will move to Monday eve for July and August (club may change location as well).
    • Starts May 7th, end August 31st
    • There will be no workouts on July 1st and August 5th (re: long weekends)
  • Swimming, biking, running transition practice and games.
  • Improve bike handling skills, endurance, and speed in a fun atmosphere.
  • Athletes should be able to swim 25-50 meters independently without a flotation device, bike 1-2 km and run 500 metres to 1 km.

Train to Train program  Ages 12 +

3-4 practices per week starting  as follows:

    • Tuesday : Run  practice start April 2,  6-7 pm Nicholls Oval Park 725 Armour Rd.  Note*  This workout changes to biking and running workout at Peterborough Speedway 6-7:30 pm starting May 7th 
    • Thursday group ride night (in coordination with Peterborough Cycling Club) starts at 6:30pm May 2nd at The Cabin at Trent 351 Armour Rd  (watch your e mail for locations as these change frequently)
    • Sunday 6-7:30 multisport practiceat Elmhrist starting in June 2nd – will change to Monday night for July and August, location may also change
    • There will be no workouts on July 1st and August 5th  (re: long weekends)
  • Swimming, bike, run, transition practice, games
  • Improve bike handling skills, endurance and speed in a fun atmosphere.
  • Athletes should be able to swim 100 metres, bike 4 km and run 1 km.
  • Athletes should be comfortable swimming in open lake water.

Train to Compete Program Ages 12+ 

4 practices per week plus ‘homework’  as follows:

    • Tuesday run workout starts April 2nd 6-7 pm at Nicholls Oval  Park, 725 Armour Rd.  Note* . This workout changes to a biking and running workout at Peteborough Speeday 6:00-7:30 pm starting May 7th. 
    • Thursday group ride night in partnership with Peterborough Cycling Club start at 6:30 May 2nd at The Cabin at Trent 351 Armour Rd. (watch your e mail for locations as they change frequently)
    • Multisport practice – Sunday 6-7:30 starts June 2nd, will move to Monday for July and August, location may change
    • There will be no workouts on July 1st and August 5th (re: long weekends)
    • Homework workouts will be posted – stay tuned!
  • Swimming, biking, running and transition practice.
  • For those who are interested in racing throughout the season
  • Workouts will be graded to suit athletes age and ability with consideration for upcoming races built into training programs.
  • Additional workouts may be sent as homework for athletes to complete.


  • Bicycle (road, gravel or mountain bike works) – road bike with clip shoes and pedals recommended for Train to Compete group
  • Running shoes (elastic or quick laces recommended for Train to Compete group)
  • Helmet
  • Swim goggles and cap (team cap provided)
  • Suitable clothing for swimming biking and running around

Other Training Options

  • Peterborough Swim Club (formerly Trent Swim Club) has their registration open for the spring session of their Swim School and Masters programs – perfect for anyone wanting to add some extra swimming to their schedule  Check it out here
  • If you’re looking for more run training, we recommend the Kawartha Lakes Lightning youth run club
  • As for bike – some of our more skilled/older athletes may be invited to join the Peterborough Cycling Club Thursday night rides for group riding – this will require a separate PCC club membership – we will reach out to you if we think you are ready for this ride.  Check out the PCC for their other riding opportunities for adults and kids

General info: 

Athletes in this program are divided age and by skill, to ensure everyone can get the most enjoyment from their training.

Each practice is catered to the development stage of the athletes, with a mix of basic fitness and movement skills, low and high intensity efforts, and technique work, all of which is often presented through games, personal challenges, relays, and ad hoc races.

While we are not a learn-to-swim or learn-to-bike program, we aim to teach the skills and confidence required for competitive open water swimming, bicycle racing, running and triathlons (adding transition training to the mix) over the course of several years in our programs.


  • Our swim practices always have an NLS-certified Lifeguard on duty;  swim caps are required to for greater visibility in the water
  • At the youngest ages, our bike practices happen on grassy fields, bike paths and parking lots, but as the athletes gain more experience and skill they will progress to riding on the road. This year we are excited to partner with the Peterborough Speedway for our Tuesday night practices!
  • We continuously teach and reinforce safe bike handling skills and safety awareness to our athletes, but the reality is that they will be riding and practicing in an environment that can change quickly, posing inherent risk. Athletes will be required to demonstrate certain pre-requisite bike handling skills before being allowed to participate in any group riding on the road.
  • Athletes are expected to always keep personal and group safety as their number one priority.
  • We will follow Triathlon Ontario guidelines regarding the cancellation of practices for inclement weather (extreme heat, lightening, rain, other) with safety of athletes and coaches always in mind.